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Lord of all creation - I come to You now in the name of this Jesus I have heard about.  I was born into a sinful world and have lived in ignorance and rebellion to Your truth.  Jesus, I accept You as God manifested in the flesh, born as an offering for my sins.  Born to pay the price I am unable to pay - the price required for restored fellowship with my Creator.

I am sorry for all my sins and turn away from them. Please forgive me and make me a vessel fit for Your use.  I release any bitterness or unforgiveness in my heart and ask You to deal with those situations.  I believe You were born of a virgin, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven and are now sitting at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for me.

You are now Lord of my life.


Confess Jesus before men and He will confess you before the Father.
Take me home now please.

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sep 16

God is in everything

"it is the Lord.  let Him do what seems good to Him." — 1 sam 3:18

"see God in everything, and God will calm and color all that thou dost see!”  it may be that the circumstances of our sorrows will not be removed, their condition will remain unchanged; but if Christ, as Lord and Master of our life, is brought into our grief and gloom, “He will compass us about with songs of deliverance.”  to see Him, and to be sure that His wisdom cannot err, His power cannot fail, His love can never change; to know that even His direst dealings with us are for our deepest spiritual gain, is to be able to say, in the midst of bereavement, sorrow, pain, and loss, “the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

nothing else but seeing God in everything will make us loving and patient with those who annoy and trouble us.  they will be to us then only instruments for accomplishing His tender and wise purposes toward us, and we shall even find ourselves at last inwardly thanking them for the blessings they bring us.  nothing else will completely put an end to all murmuring or rebelling thoughts. — h.w. smith

“give me a new idea,” i said,
while musing on a sleepless bed;
“a new idea that’ll bring to earth
a balm for souls of priceless worth;
that’ll give men thoughts of things above,
and teach them how to serve and love,
that’ll banish every selfish thought,
and rid men of the sins they’ve fought.”

the new thought came, just how, i’ll tell:
’twas when on bended knee i fell,
and sought from Him who knows full well
the way our sorrow to expel.
See God in all things, great and small,
and give HIM praise whate’er befall,
in life or death, in pain or woe,
see God, and overcome thy foe.

i saw Him in the morning light,
He made the day shine clear and bright;
i saw Him in the noontide hour,
and gained from Him refreshing shower.
at eventide, when worn and sad,
He gave me help, and made me glad.
at midnight, when on tossing bed
my weary soul to sleep He led.

i saw Him when great losses came,
and found He loved me just the same.
when heavy loads i had to bear,
i found He lightened every care.
by sickness, sorrow, sore distress,
He calmed my mind and gave me rest.
He’s filled my heart with gladsome praise
since i gave Him the upward gaze.

’twas new to me, yet old to some,
this thought that to me has become
a revelation of the way
we all should live throughout the day;
for as each day unfolds its light,
we’ll walk by faith and not by sight.
life will, indeed, a blessing bring,
if we see God in everything.”

— a.e finn



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what will you do with your vapor

“for what is your life? it is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” james 4:14

that is so reminiscent of my favorite line from lord of the rings. gandalf and frodo were discussing the things happening during their life. “i wish it need not have happened in my time,” said frodo. “so do i,” said gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. but that is not for them to decide. all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

while many are thrilled to be living in times of biblical prophecy, many are discouraged and worn down by all they now see going on. i could almost hear that same discussion being made today among many; even christians. the answer given then is applicable even today. “but that is not for us to decide. all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

that decision is being made everyday by each one of us. do you not know that even “indecision” is a decision. we have to decide to do what is right. we have to decide to do everything God’s way as well as we can. the cost may be great but just look at the reward.

it is told in revelation 21:4, “and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” for years i have read that scripture and thought of it as God’s Himself wiping away all our tears of hurt and sorrow. then, just the other day, i hear a preacher speaking on the subject and he said, “some of those might be tears of regret.” will there be tears of regret when we stand before the Creator of all that is? i can’t imagine much being more sorrowful.

i have heard some people talk about how their whole life passed before them when they seem to be dying. i think God could do that. i think He would do that. will we be flooded with thoughts of regrets? perhaps of things we didn’t do or help we withheld when we it could have made a big difference in someone’s life. i know i can remember much in my life that i did or didn’t do and have regrets.

are those already under the blood or will they affect my rewards in some way? you see, there will be no DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) in heaven. we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. only nonbelievers need fear that judgment. the rest just may have tears of regret and rewards forgone.

scripture says that to save souls are wise. it also says, “those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” dan 12:3 how shiny are you? i know i’m not nearly as shiny as i want to be. so why don’t we let Jesus polish us up? let’s take care of those “regrets” now.

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"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Jeremiah 33:3

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